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Mocha FTP Server Help

    About Mocha FTP Server
    Main screen
    Menu system
    Supported commands

      How to
      Order Mocha FTP Server
      Technical support


      About Mocha FTP Server

        Mocha FTP Server gives an easy way to copy files to/from a PDA running Windows Mobile or Pocket PC 200x
        It supports the standard File Transfer Protocol (FTP) features found in most web browsers and FTP client applications.

        If the PDA has IP address, use following URL in Internet Explorer


        and Internet Explorer will give access to all the files on the PDA. As to security, it is possible to protect the FTP session with user id/password.


        • Supports all standard FTP commands
        • PASV command. The client will make the data connection (needed with firewalls)
        • Portrait/landscape mode
        • Anonymous login
        • Real-time monitoring of users and commands
        • 9 different users with password protection
        • 25 active sessions
        • Different access rights for users (read only mode)
        • Security timer, which will close inactive sessions
        • Low cost : Single User license 20 USD or 200 USD for a Company License.


        Main Screen

          The main screen is split into 3 area:

          • Server status:
            • IP Address : IP address for the server. Use this IP address to access the server.
            • State : gives the current state: online or offline
            • Send : number of bytes send on the data connection.
            • Recv : number of bytes received on the data connection.
          • Control functions
            • [Start/stop] : controls if the server should listen for commands
            • [Background] : Close the FTP server window. The server runs in the background, and a small icon is shown in the tray for the "Today" screen. Tap this icon and the Server screen will be shown.
            • [Exit] : Program will close
          • Activity and User log area. Shows in real time the current activity for the Server


          Menu system

            From the right corner of the FTP Server window, it is possible to tap on the menu elements: File, View and Help.
            All parameters in the configuration are saved in the CE registry on program exit.

            Menu - File - Settings

            Use this command to configure the server.

            • [USERS]
                Use [add][edit] and [delete] to configure 9 different users. It is possible to restrict a user to only read files (read only mode).
                [x] Allow anonymous login. This option allow the access to the server with user "Anonymous". He will have full read/write access.
            • [NETWORK]
              • Listen port : The FTP server will listen on this port. Default is 21.
              • Timeout : if the users has not issued any commands in a given time frame , the connection will close
              • [x] Server goes online, at program start. If enabled the server will start in Listen mode, when the program is loaded.
              • [x] Keep power on, if the server is active. This option overrules the power saving option in the PDA
            • [OTHER]
              • Login folder: Defines from which directory the Server will work. If as an example,

                \My Documents

                is defined, only files from this directory can be accessed.

              • Welcome message: When a client connects to the server, this message will be returned.
              • Activity log size: The active log size can be defined. Should not be very large, as it uses memory.

            Menu - File - Exit

            Close the program, and terminates all active sessions with the FTP server.

            Menu - View - User log

            Display a list of current active users, IP address for the user, and the latest command.

            Menu - View - Traffic log

            Display all traffic between the server and the FTP Clients.

            Menu - Help - Help Topics

            Gives help information about the product

            Menu - Help - About

            Display license status, and program version



              • 1. Download the Mocha FTP Server package and unzip the files to a folder.
              • 2. Double-click the Setup.exe icon, and follow the dialog

              You can also install Mocha FTP Server on your device:

              • 1. Download the .CAB file version of Mocha FTP Server to your PDA device.
              • 2. Open Microsoft File Explorer (Start > Programs > File Explorer) on the PDA (Not your workstation!)
              • 3. Locate and tap the .CAB file



              • 1. If Mocha FTP Server is running on your device, exit the server
              • 2. On the PDA, select Start - Settings - System - Remove Programs


              Supported commands

                The below list of commands have only interest for users using low level clients to access the server. A Web browser or a normal FTP client will hide these commands.

                The following commands are recognized (* =>'s unimplemented):



                  The FTP protocol has limited security, as all user/passwords are send without any encryption on the TCP Network level.
                  We can recommend only to use FTP in a secure network, and not on open networks.
                  User names/passwords defined in Mocha FTP Server, are stored in the registry, and are not secure.


                  Order Mocha FTP Server

                    It is possible to buy Mocha FTP Server via the Internet. Visit , and get the latest information about the products and prices.

                    License system

                    There are two different types of license.

                    • single user license, 20 USD.
                    • unlimited license for a single Company, 200 USD.

                    A company license can be used by a single company. If there are branch offices or home workstations, a single company license will be valid. For a multi-national company, we must ask for a company license for each country.


                    Technical Support

                      It is always a good idea to download the latest version of the product from MochaSoft
                      Please visit the MochaSoft home page at, and receive information about how to contact MochaSoft.